2024 SCFS Competitions

All rounds of the 2024 SCFS Competition will be held virtually in an effort to reduce costs for applicants and improve opportunity for all flutists eligible to compete.


High School Artist Competition
Current students in grades 9-12
Constance G. Lane Collegiate Artist Competition
Current college undergraduates
Young Artist Competition
Current graduate students and professional musicians, no age limit


Applications Due: October 1, 2024
Application Fee: $40 
Final Round Notifications: October 15, 2024 
Final Videos Due: November 15, 2024 
Winners Announced: December 1, 2024

First Place Prizes: High School: $100 | Collegiate: $400 | Young Artist: $600


Preliminary Round Repertoire: Please submit audio recordings of 2 contrasting, unaccompanied pieces of choice. 

Final Round Repertoire:
Please record a single-take video of the required work below plus one contrasting piece of choice written for unaccompanied flute, no longer than 10 minutes. Repertoire may be repeated from the preliminary round if desired.

  • High School: Aubade by Libby Larsen

  • Collegiate: Memory by Chen Yi

  • Young Artist: Zinfandel by Reena Esmail


The initial competition application includes audio recordings which are reviewed by a panel of judges made up of professional flutists in South Carolina and alumni of the USC flute studio. From those submissions, finalists are selected in each category and invited to submit final videos. First, second, and third prizes are awarded in each category among the finalists.

Preliminary Application:

  • Preliminary tracks should be audio only and have no identifying markers.

  • No time limit. However, please note that the panel may only have time to listen to 5-7 minutes of each selection.

  • Individual movements of a work containing multiple movements may be submitted. 

  • While we prefer unaccompanied works, works originally written for piano but performed without piano may be accepted. 

  • Each selection may be recorded as a separate take and should be uploaded as a separate link; you do not need to record both selections in the same attempt. However, each selection should represent a single take and should not include added studio effects such as reverb. 

  • Recordings should be uploaded to a filesharing service with link sharing. Links could be to DropBox, Google Drive, YouTube, or another filesharing service. Please ensure that recordings are uploaded to a link that has sharing permissions enabled. For more information about this, you can follow this guide. You will be asked to provide this link in this application.

Finalist Submissions: Selected finalists will be invited to submit a single-take video of themselves performing the final round repertoire.